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نصب ویندوز FDisk پارتیشن بندی، برطف سازی ایرادات نرم افزارهای کامپیوتری معرفی برنامه های مناسب و ..


۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «solved» ثبت شده است

برای کابرهای فارسی زیان، ببخشین حوصلم نشد دوباره به فارسی بنویسیم. خوشحال میشم هرکسی زحمتشو بکشه. میتونید PDF راهنما رو هم از اینجا بگیرید. که  باید با فیلتر شکن باز کنین. چون ایران تحریمه.

This is a solution for this problem. "keyboard Num Lock button is missing or does not have numpad"

see the PDF of this manual. at here



notice: my English does not good. be thanks-full if any person write my answer in better English.


Here is the solution. we are going to change our laptop keyboard to have a numpad switch key. and also have numlock key.


the our keyboard will be same as old laptop keyboards like "DEll vostro 1510 keyboard". as can see in this picture : 



let's going to do this.



first download this software. "keymanager by ATNSOFT" from this link.




second download another key-manger "Key remapper" from here.



***be notice that there are some other programs by similar names. like "Keymapper", "Keyremanger". (that they have trial version or cannot do some things.)

also I used the above program to add middle mouse key. that other programs cannot remap mouse keys.***


after install both above programs.


now set numlock keys in the "Key remapper" program. as figure below.




 now using "keymanager" program to set two keys. one for on/off change keyboard to numpad and another for add on/off "numlock" key. as below pictures.

Set "F6" for turn off/on this feature. and for turn of/off the numlock set to press "pause" key and then press "F12" key.


notice: you can set some other arbitrary keys to turn off/on them.


(notice: in first figure I add more keys for own.)


the detail is as below photos.






Open a notepad file. write this below text in it.


@echo off

taskkill /Im KeyRemapper.exe

if errorlevel 1 goto Start

goto END


explorer "C:\Program Files (x86)\Key Remapper\KeyRemapper.exe"





and after this, save the text file to here directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Key Remapper\"

and whit this "Enable Numlock.bat" name.

for more detail see this figure:



ok. your keyboard was changed and have numpad also.

for on/off this feature press "F6", and for turn of/off the numlock press "pause" key and then press "F12"



now you should do more detail that become more comfortable for you.


first, disable "Key remapper" from startup whit windows.

in windows 10, open Taskmanger, going to "startup" tab. find the "Key remapper" and disable it.


second, be sure that "keymanager" to startup with windows. for this open "ATNSOFT Key Manager" and going to "Tools" then open option.  and then enable the checkmark of "Launch when Windows starts" in "General Setting".


now, as your keyboard do not have LED for say Numlock, and Numpad feature id turn on or off. do below things.


first press "F6" to open "key remapper", or open it by hand.

then move it's taskbar icon to near the clock, as below picture. to see it whenever open or close.



for see when the numlock is on or off. install "Keyboard LEDs" program. (I add the download lick in the next answer)

after install open "Keyboard LEDs" and set it's option as below picture.


end of my answer.

I hope it is be helpful. 

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